In our many years’ experience helping thousands of people across Northern Utah with tinnitus challenges, we understand how frustrating the symptoms can be.
Although many cases of tinnitus are ongoing, temporary tinnitus can occur in patients that often see their symptoms dissipate from anywhere between 16-48 hours – this is also known as short-term tinnitus.
Whether your tinnitus is temporary or permanent, it isn’t the end of the world. We have many personalized treatment options to help manage tinnitus so you can continue living a healthy life.
Whether it’s you or a loved one in your family who is struggling, the first step is to understand tinnitus so you can make an informed decision about your next steps.
What is Tinnitus?
The most common trait of tinnitus is identified as a ringing in the ears that the patient can only hear. This form of tinnitus is called subjective tinnitus.
The only other form of tinnitus is called objective tinnitus and is usually heard by your hearing care professional through a stethoscope. Subjective tinnitus is much more common, and there are many ways to manage this to minimize the effects of ringing in your ears.
First Signs of Tinnitus
Tinnitus presents itself with any of the following symptoms. If you have any of these, we recommend you schedule a tinnitus assessment with us as soon as you can. Early detection is the best procedure to treat tinnitus and keep it from progressing.
- You can hear sounds such as ringing, buzzing, clicking, hissing, humming, or roaring.
- Sounds switch from one ear to the other and occur at different sounds or pitches between each one.
- Unpredictable sounds come and go without any pattern.
- Interfering with normal sounds is also a sign of tinnitus. The tinnitus may drown out the actual sounds that you are trying to hear.
- May experience some mental discomfort, as these sounds can be very inconvenient.
- Speech problems. An inability to express yourself normally.
- Various cognitive problems such as difficulty thinking clearly or getting confused easily.
Types of Tinnitus
With subjective tinnitus being much more common than objective tinnitus, there are different symptoms that a patient can experience:
Tonal Tinnitus – This occurs when the patient hears one continuous sound – a constant ringing that doesn’t change or a single unrelenting note.
Pulsatile Tinnitus – This type is when the sound pulsates and usually goes along with the heartbeat.
Beeping Tinnitus – As the name suggests, a patient will hear various beeping noises. This has been described as very similar to Morse code, but the beeps can be random.
Whistling Tinnitus – Whistling is similar to tonal but with a different type of sound. You may hear a ringing still, but it is intermittent.
Multi-Noise Tinnitus – This is an unfortunate variation of tinnitus, as the patient may simultaneously experience more than one type of tinnitus.
How Long Does Tinnitus Last & How to Treat it?
Unfortunately, there is no cure for tinnitus as of right now. Tinnitus can go away on its own, but in many cases, it persists for a long time. However, there are ways to manage it.
Many recommendations help the patient to receive incredible relief and more control over their tinnitus. You can manage it and live a positive and fulfilling life.
- Hearing aids
- White noise machines to drown out the sound
- Earwax removal
- Changing current medications
- Counseling
What Can I Do for Ringing in My Ears?
Even if you have temporary tinnitus, it can be a distressing thought to wonder how long your tinnitus will last. Patients can deal with tinnitus for prolonged periods before figuring out how to comfortably manage their specific issue – addressing them with an expert can help speed up this process.
The most important thing a person with tinnitus can do is receive a tinnitus assessment from a hearing care professional when they have persistent tinnitus. Recommendations such as diet restrictions and sound therapy can benefit patients with constant tinnitus.
If your tinnitus is inflammatory, then the best way to remedy that is by changing your diet. Eating foods such as citrus and berries, grass-fed meats, turmeric, ginger, green tea, and non-starchy vegetables are all proven to reduce inflammation.
What Are the Next Steps?
If you suspect that you or a loved one may be exhibiting any of these symptoms, then please contact us as soon as you can. Our team is always ready to help improve your hearing so you can get back to the life you love.
You can schedule your tinnitus assessment right here.
Give us a call anytime. We’re always available for a friendly and obligation-free conversation. Your hearing is vital to us, and we want to make sure that you and everyone in Northern Utah are taken care of professionally.